
What Are The Risks About Having A Hernia Repair?

What Is a Hernia?

A man's abdomen with a hernia.

Hernias tin can accept serious complications if not treated.

A hernia occurs when the contents of a body cavity bulge out of the surface area where they are normally contained. These contents, usually portions of intestine or abdominal fatty tissue, are enclosed in the sparse membrane that naturally lines the inside of the cavity. Hernias past themselves may be asymptomatic (produce no symptoms) or cause slight to astringent pain. The pain can occur while resting or simply during sure activities such every bit walking or running. About all hernias have a potential risk of having their claret supply cutting off (condign strangulated). When the content of the hernia bulges out, the opening it bulges out through can apply enough pressure that claret vessels in the hernia are constricted causing the decreased or total loss of blood supply to the protruding tissues. If the blood supply is cutting off at the hernia opening in the abdominal wall, it becomes a medical and surgical emergency as the tissue needs oxygen (which is transported past the claret).

What Are the Different Types of Hernias?

Mutual types of abdominal wall hernias include the post-obit:

  • Inguinal (groin) hernia: Making up 75% of all abdominal wall hernias and occurring up to 25 times more often in men than women, these hernias are divided into two different types, straight and indirect. Both occur in the groin area where the skin of the thigh joins the torso (the inguinal crease), but they accept slightly unlike origins. Both of these types of hernias can similarly appear as a bulge in the inguinal expanse. Distinguishing between the direct and indirect hernia, yet, is important as a clinical diagnosis.
    • Indirect inguinal hernia: An indirect hernia follows the pathway that the testicles made during fetal development, descending from the belly into the scrotum. This pathway normally closes earlier birth but may remain a possible site for a hernia in later life. Sometimes the hernia sac may protrude into the scrotum. An indirect inguinal hernia may occur at any age.
    • Direct inguinal hernia: The direct inguinal hernia occurs slightly to the inside of the site of the indirect hernia, in an expanse where the abdominal wall is naturally slightly thinner. It rarely will beetle into the scrotum and can crusade pain that is hard to distinguish from testicle pain. Dissimilar the indirect hernia, which can occur at any age, the direct hernia tends to occur in the heart-aged and elderly because their abdominal walls weaken as they age.
  • Femoral hernia: The femoral canal is the path through which the femoral artery, vein, and nerve exit the abdominal cavity to enter the thigh. Although normally a tight space, sometimes it becomes large enough to allow abdominal contents (usually intestine) to beetle into the canal. A femoral hernia causes a bulge but below the inguinal crease in roughly the centre of the upper leg. Usually occurring in women, femoral hernias are specially at risk of becoming irreducible (not able to be pushed back into identify) and strangulated (cutting off blood supply). Not all hernias that are irreducible are strangulated (have their claret supply cut off), but all hernias that are irreducible need to be evaluated by a wellness care professional.
  • Umbilical hernia: These mutual hernias (10%-xxx%) are often noted in a kid at birth as a protrusion at the belly button (the umbilicus). An umbilical hernia is acquired when an opening in the kid'south abdominal wall, which normally closes earlier birth, doesn't shut completely. If modest (less than one-half an inch), this blazon of hernia usually closes gradually by age ii. Larger hernias and those that do non close by themselves usually require surgery when a kid is 2 to iv years of age. Even if the area is closed at birth, umbilical hernias can appear afterward in life because this spot may remain a weaker place in the abdominal wall. Umbilical hernias can appear later in life or in women who are pregnant or who have given nativity (due to the added stress on the area). They usually do not cause intestinal pain.
  • Incisional hernia: Abdominal surgery causes a flaw in the abdominal wall. This flaw tin create an area of weakness through which a hernia may develop. This occurs after two%-ten% of all abdominal surgeries, although some people are more at risk. Fifty-fifty later on surgical repair, incisional hernias may return.
  • Spigelian hernia: This rare hernia occurs along the edge of the rectus abdominus muscle through the spigelian fascia, which is several inches lateral to the centre of the belly.
  • Obturator hernia: This extremely rare abdominal hernia develops generally in women. This hernia protrudes from the pelvic crenel through an opening in the pelvic bone (obturator foramen). This volition not show any bulge merely tin act like a bowel obstruction and cause nausea and vomiting. Because of the lack of visible jutting, this hernia is very difficult to diagnose.
  • Epigastric hernia: Occurring between the navel and the lower role of the rib muzzle in the midline of the abdomen, epigastric hernias are composed usually of fatty tissue and rarely contain intestine. Formed in an area of relative weakness of the abdominal wall, these hernias are frequently painless and unable to exist pushed back into the abdomen when commencement discovered.
  • Hiatal hernia: This type of hernia occurs when part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragm. The diaphragm normally has a small opening for the esophagus. This opening can become the place where part of the tum pushes through. Small hiatal hernias can exist asymptomatic (crusade no symptoms), while larger ones can cause pain and heartburn.
  • Diaphragmatic hernia: This is usually a nascency defect causing an opening in the diaphragm, which allows abdominal content to push button through into the chest cavity.


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What Are Causes and Risk Factors for Hernias?

Although intestinal hernias can exist nowadays at nativity, others develop later in life. Some involve pathways formed during fetal evolution, existing openings in the abdominal cavity, or areas of intestinal wall weakness.

  • Any condition that increases the pressure of the intestinal cavity may contribute to the germination or worsening of a hernia. Examples include
    • obesity,
    • heavy lifting,
    • cough,
    • straining during a bowel movement or urination,
    • chronic lung disease, and
    • fluid in the abdominal cavity.
  • A family unit history of hernias tin make you more likely to develop a hernia.

What Are Hernia Symptoms and Signs?

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The signs and symptoms of a hernia can range from noticing a painless lump to the severely painful, tender, bloated protrusion of tissue that you are unable to push dorsum into the belly (an incarcerated strangulated hernia). Abdominal or pelvic hurting can exist function of the symptoms of many hernias.

  • Reducible hernia
    • It may announced equally a new lump in the groin or other abdominal surface area.
    • It may ache but is not tender when touched.
    • Sometimes pain precedes the discovery of the lump.
    • The lump increases in size when standing or when abdominal pressure is increased (such equally coughing).
    • It may be reduced (pushed back into the abdomen) unless very big.
  • Irreducible hernia
    • It may exist an occasionally painful enlargement of a previously reducible hernia that cannot exist returned into the abdominal cavity on its own or when you lot push it.
    • Some may be chronic (occur over a long term) without pain.
    • An irreducible hernia is likewise known every bit an incarcerated hernia.
    • It tin can lead to strangulation (claret supply being cut off to tissue in the hernia).
    • Signs and symptoms of bowel obstruction may occur, such as nausea and vomiting.
  • Strangulated hernia
    • This is an irreducible hernia in which the entrapped intestine has its blood supply cutting off.
    • Pain is always present, followed speedily by tenderness and sometimes symptoms of bowel obstacle (nausea and airsickness).
    • The affected person may appear ill with or without fever.
    • This condition is a surgical emergency.

When Should You Call a Doctor for a Hernia?

All newly discovered hernias or symptoms that suggest you might have a hernia should prompt a visit to the doc. Hernias, even those that anguish, if they are not tender and easy to reduce (pushed back into the abdomen), are not necessarily surgical emergencies, just all have the potential to become serious. Referral to a surgeon should generally be made so that the need for surgery can be established and the procedure can be performed equally an elective surgery and avoid the risk of emergency surgery should your hernia become irreducible or strangulated.

If you find a new, painful, tender, and irreducible lump, it's possible you may have an irreducible hernia, and you should have it checked in an emergency setting. If you lot already take a hernia and it suddenly becomes painful, tender, and irreducible, you should also go to the emergency section. Strangulation of intestine inside the hernia sac can lead to gangrenous (dead) bowel in equally petty as six hours. Non all irreducible hernias are strangulated, but they need to be evaluated.

Which Type of Doctors Treat Hernias?

Your primary care md will be able to diagnose and initially care for many hernias. Definitive treatment volition usually require surgery. Depending on the location of the hernia, the hernia repair will usually be performed by a general surgeon.

How Are Hernias Diagnosed?

If you lot have an obvious hernia, the health care professional may non require any other tests (if you are healthy otherwise) to make a diagnosis. If you have symptoms of a hernia (tedious anguish in groin or other body area with lifting or straining but without an obvious lump), the doctor may feel the area while increasing abdominal pressure (having you stand up or coughing). This action may make the hernia able to exist felt. If you lot have an inguinal hernia, the doctor will feel for the potential pathway and await for a hernia by inverting the pare of the scrotum with his or her finger. X-rays (often CT scans) tin assist in the diagnosis or evaluating the extent of the hernia.

What Is the Handling for Hernias?

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Hernia treatment can be bourgeois (such as observation and support with trusses) if the hernia is not affecting your daily routine or does non cause severe pain. Curative treatment consists of surgery. Laparoscopic surgery has taken the place of traditional hernia surgery for some of the abdominal hernias. Herniorrhaphy is the surgical repair of a hernia.

Volition You Need Surgery for a Hernia?

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Surgical hernia repair is the ultimate treatment. The timing of treatment of a hernia and technique for treatment depends on whether it is reducible or irreducible and perchance strangulated.

  • Reducible hernia
    • In general, all hernias should be repaired to avoid the possibility of future intestinal strangulation.
    • If you have preexisting medical weather that would make surgery unsafe, your doctor may non repair your hernia just will lookout information technology closely.
    • Rarely, your doctor may advise against surgery because of the special condition of your hernia.
      • Some hernias have or develop very large openings in the abdominal wall, and closing the opening is complicated because of their large size.
      • These kinds of hernias may exist treated without surgery, peradventure using abdominal binders.
      • Some doctors feel that the hernias with large openings take a very low run a risk of strangulation.
    • The treatment of every hernia is individualized, and a word of the risks and benefits of surgical versus nonsurgical management needs to take place between the doctor and patient.
  • Irreducible hernia
    • All acutely irreducible hernias need emergency hernia repair considering of the hazard of strangulation.
    • An attempt to reduce (push back) the hernia will generally exist made, often after giving medicine for pain and muscle relaxation.
    • If unsuccessful, emergency surgery is needed.
    • If successful, nonetheless, treatment depends on the length of the time that the hernia was irreducible.
      • If the abdominal contents of the hernia had the claret supply cutting off, the development of dead (gangrenous) bowel is possible in equally little as six hours.
      • In cases in which the hernia has been strangulated for an extended time, a surgeon will perform surgery to check whether the intestinal tissue has died and to repair the hernia.
      • In cases in which the length of time that the hernia was irreducible was short and gangrenous bowel is non suspected, you may be discharged from the infirmary.
  • If a hernia that appears irreducible is finally reduced, information technology is important for a patient to consider a surgical correction. These hernias have a significantly college gamble of getting incarcerated once again.


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What Are the Complications Subsequently Surgery for a Hernia?

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  • Chance of strangulation: In considering when to take a reducible hernia surgically repaired, information technology is of import for a patient to know the take a chance of strangulation.
    • The risk varies with the location and size of the hernia and the length of time it has been present.
    • In general, hernias with large sac contents with a relatively small opening are more likely to become strangulated.
    • Hernias that take been present for many years may become irreducible.
  • Operative complications: Complication rates vary according to whether the surgery was elective or emergent, the hernia size and location, as well as the techniques used (open up surgery or laparoscopic)
  • Near complications occur over the short term and are hands treatable.
    • The hernia that comes back subsequently initial surgical repair tin exist repaired by the same or an alternate method.
    • Complications of hernia repair include
      • recurrence (most common),
      • urinary retention,
      • wound infection,
      • fluid build-upwardly in scrotum (chosen hydrocele formation),
      • scrotal hematoma (bruise), and
      • testicular harm on the affected side (rare).

Is Follow-up Needed Later Hernia Handling?

To lower the risk of a hernia becoming irreducible or strangulated, the sooner a reducible hernia is repaired the better.

What Activities Should You lot Avoid If You Have a Hernia?

In general, all hernias should be repaired unless severe preexisting medical weather make surgery dangerous. The possible exception to this is a hernia with a large opening. Trusses and surgical belts or bindings may be helpful in holding back the protrusion of selected hernias when surgery is not possible or must be delayed. However, they should never exist used in the case of femoral hernias.

Avoid activities that increase intra-abdominal pressure (lifting, coughing, or straining) that may cause the hernia to increase in size.

Is Information technology Possible to Prevent a Hernia?

You lot can do little to preclude areas of the intestinal wall from being or becoming weak, which can potentially become a site for a hernia. Modifying your beliefs and weight loss can help prevent worsening of the hernia.

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Hernia Types

No matter what you make or build, it's the seams that are the hardest role to get correct. On a piece of vesture, a loose seam will be prone to tear; make it too tight and it will restrict movement. On a business firm, that loose lath will cause the roof to leak, and if there isn't plenty room for expansion, stuff volition starting time to buckle.

As information technology turns out, the body has numerous seams that need to be made just right so that they don't pull autonomously and permit body parts slide into places they don't belong. The abdomen is surrounded past numerous muscles to keep the stomach, pocket-sized intestine, and colon where they vest, only if one of these organs starts to sideslip though a weakness or a hole in the muscles, information technology's called a hernia.


Elnahas, A., S.H. Kim, A. Okrainec, F. Quereshy, and T.D. Jackson. "Is laparoscopic repair of incarcerated abdominal hernias safe? Analysis of short-term outcomes." Surg Endosc 30.8 Baronial 2022: 3262-3266.

Patient Comments & Reviews

  • Hernia - Symptoms

    What symptoms did yous experience with your hernia?

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  • Hernia - Prognosis

    Did you have surgery for your hernia, and what was the prognosis?

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  • Hernia - Treatment

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